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FDP101x-Foundation Program in ICT for Education-Cource Journal

I have learned this Faculty Development Program [Foundation Program in ICT for Education] are conducted through the 'Train 1000 Teachers' programme was initiated by IIT Bombayunder the project 'Empowerment of Students/Teachers,' sponsored by the National Mission on Education through ICT (MHRD, Government of India).Under the aegis of Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching happened during Aug 3,2017 to Nov 13,2017 through online and Face-to-Face interaction[5 Week Ends] in Anna University -Chennai.

.Week - 1

Reflection Spot My Answer:
Teacher - Content :  Slide/notes/problem  preparation from the content
Teacher - learner :  Teaching learning Process
Learner - Content : References
                                                                                                                 LeD- Learning Dialogues
  • Video - With Script
  • Reflection Activity''

Reflection Spot My Answer:
Learner can learn at any time
                                                                                                    LbD - Learning by doing Activity
  • Reflection spot
  • Is a more active mechanism as each and every learner is required to

Reflection Spot My Answer:
Learner understand level
                                                                                              LxT  - Learning Extension Resource
  • It could be links to various web pages or documents that are already available
  • Assimilation quiz

Reflection Spot My Answer:
Grade the candidate
                                                                                             LxI - learning experience interactions
  • Focus discussion
  • Graded reflection quiz.

Reflection Spot My Answer:
.Week - 2

                                                                Came to know about the internet and their mechanism.
  • Protocol
  • Web Browser

             Came to know about the importance of IP & web address and extension(country name)
  • .in - India,
  • .sz - Swiden
                                                         Came to know about how to create the website and publish it
  • Hosting Plan
  • Cost
  • Licence
  • Limitation

                                                        Came know about using wordpress and how to customizing it
  • Theme
  • Pagename
  • Widgets

                                                      Came know about the simple website & Multifunction Website
  • Wordpress [Simple]
  • Durpol [ Multifunction] [CMS]

                                                                                         Came know about how to create the blog
  • Difference between website page and Blog


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